Master Chenhan Yang is the official disciple of the world renowned Grandmaster Shouyu Liang and the lineage holder of the Shushan Wuji Xiao Yao Pai(蜀山無極逍遥派). Master Yang is the Vice Chairman of the International Wushu Sanshou Dao Association (IWSD) and holds a 8th degree Master Level Black Belt with IWSD, 8th degree level of The World Organization of Wushu Kung Fu Masters. He currently is the president of the SYL Wushu Taiji Qigong Institute in Vancouver Canada, one of the most renowned Chinese Martial Arts School in North America since 1987 and was originally founded by Grandmaster Shouyu Liang. Master Yang has won numerous gold medals in international competitions and grand championship at the World Cup International Martial Arts Championship. He has also served as Wushu and Taiji head judges in many international championships.
Master Yang has produced numerous DVDs in Taichi, Bagua, Xingyi etc. He was featured in the book Chinese Martial Arts Elites, Kungfu Elements, Contemporary Famous Chinese Martial Artists and Extraordinary Chinese Martial Artists of the World. He was also featured in many TV programs like CCTV, Fairchild Television and Channel M in Canada.
DVDs/ Stream
- Chen Tai Chi for Beginner: Demonstration 56 Form
- Bagua for Beginner 1: Eight Palms
- Bagua for Beginners 2: Swimming Body
- Chen Tai Chi First Form (74-Posture Yi Lu)
- Chen Tai Chi: Cannon Fist (43 Posture Er Lu)
- Xing Yi 5 Elements Fist
- Xing Yi Twelve Animals Fist
- Selection of Traditional Xing Yi Fist Forms
- Chen Style Old Frame Routine No. 1 (demonstration style)
- Sun Style Tai Chi
- Wu Style Tai Chi
Media Interviews
- 2021: Black Belt, Noel Plaugher, What do BaGua, Iron Shirt and Kung Fu Movies Have in Common? (Part 1)
- 2021: Black Belt, Noel Plaugher, What do BaGua, Iron Shirt and Kung Fu Movies Have in Common? (Part 2)
- 2018: Kung Fu Tai Chi Magazine, Gene Ching, Soft Power and the Beginning of It All
Articles by Chenhan Yang
- Learn Sun-Style Tai Chi, July 5, 2021
- Some Guidance on Chen Style Tai Chi Cannon Fist, September 7, 2020
- Begin Learning Chen Tai Chi, August 24, 2020
- Bagua for Beginners, June 17, 2019
- Chen Tai Chi Principles, June 11, 2018
楊承翰老師為現任梁守渝武術太極氣功學院院長。自幼跟隨梁守渝大師習武,並拜入其門下,為蜀山無極逍遙派傳人,同時為國際武術散手道聯盟副主席。獲國際武術散手道黑帶八段大師級稱號,世界武術功夫聯盟組織八段。楊老師曾多次榮獲國際武術比賽冠軍,2007年世界盃武術錦標賽全能冠軍。他多年來致力推廣和傳承中華武術和太極文化,曾榮登世界著名的《美國功夫太極雜誌》封面人物,並入選《中國當代武林名人錄》,《當代中華武壇菁英》,《世界著名武術家大型畫冊》,《Kungfu Element》,《武緣》等多本武術大典。楊老師曾出版多項太極,形意與八卦等教學DVD。多年來於各個國際武術大賽中擔任裁判長。楊承翰老師一生熱愛武學,將窮畢生之力傳承我們中華武術文化於世界上開枝散葉。
教學DVD 或 串流影片
- 初級陳氏太極拳 – 56式 Chen Tai Chi for Beginner: Demonstration 56 Form
- 初級八卦掌1:八母掌 Bagua for Beginner 1: Eight Palms
- 初級八卦掌2:游身八卦掌 Bagua for Beginners 2: Swimming Body
- 陳式太極拳老架一路 Chen Tai Chi First Form (74-Posture Yi Lu)
- 陳式太極拳老架二路 Chen Tai Chi: Cannon Fist (43 Posture Er Lu)
- 形意拳五行 Xing Yi 5 Elements Fist
- 形意拳十二型 Xing Yi Twelve Animals Fist
- 傳統形意拳精選 Selection of Traditional Xing Yi Fist Forms
- 陳式太極拳老架一路 示範 Chen Style Old Frame Routine No. 1 (demonstration style)
- 孫式太極拳73式
- Wu Style Tai Chi
- 2021: Black Belt, Noel Plaugher, What do BaGua, Iron Shirt and Kung Fu Movies Have in Common? (Part 1)
- 2021: Black Belt, Noel Plaugher, What do BaGua, Iron Shirt and Kung Fu Movies Have in Common? (Part 2)
- 2018: Kung Fu Tai Chi Magazine, Gene Ching, Soft Power and the Beginning of It All
- Learn Sun-Style Tai Chi, July 5, 2021
- Some Guidance on Chen Style Tai Chi Cannon Fist, September 7, 2020
- Begin Learning Chen Tai Chi, August 24, 2020
- Bagua for Beginners, June 17, 2019
- Chen Tai Chi Principles, June 11, 2018