Helen is the author of numerous videos in TaiChi, Qigong, Liu He Ba Fa (Water Style), and other internal styles of Chinese Martial Art. Her 24 Form Taichi, Beginner Taichi for Health, Taichi for Women, and Qigong for Cancer are all bestsellers on Amazon. Helen was featured two times on the cover of Kungfu Taichi Qigong Magazine in United States. She was also featured in the books of Chinese Martial Arts Elites, Contemporary Famous Chinese Martial Artists, Kungfu Elements and Extraordinary Chinese Martial Artists of the World.
Helen has also been featured in many media including Chinese Central Television (CCTV), Shanghai and Sichuan Provincial television in China, national pay-per-view features in the US, CBC, Fairchild Television and Channel M in Canada, as well as newspapers and magazines in US, Canada and China.
In 2005, Helen and her father Grandmaster Shouyu Liang, together with Channel M, Canada had created a one-of-a-kind instructional Tai Chi television series of 130 episodes for Canada’s multicultural community. The show, planned and written entirely by Helen and Grandmaster Liang and hosted by Helen, has been picked up by stations across Canada and the United States. It was nominated for several Leo Awards, namely Best Lifestyle Series, Best Direction, and Best Host and won the Best Lifestyle Series Award.
In 2009, Helen was invited to Toronto, Canada to serve as a guest performer at the opening ceremony of the 10th World Wushu Championships and received World Wushu Championships’ Contribution Award.
In 2013 and 2014 she obtained level 8th degree from both International Wushu Sanshou Dao Association (IWSD) and The World Organization of Wushu Kung Fu Masters. She was also awarded Outstanding Martial Arts Achievements by IWSD.
In 2017, Helen hosted another Tai Chi video for Canada’s national telecommunications company, Telus Corporation, to promote wellness to Canada’s diverse multicultural community.
In 2020, Helen was honored to be invited as a faculty member for the well-known online education platform in the United States, The Shift Network. The Tai Chi courses she collaborated on achieved tremendous success, with hundreds of students gathering online for each class to experience the harmonious and tranquil beauty of Tai Chi with her.
In 2023, internationally renowned mobile and tablet fitness app FitOn collaborated with Helen to launch a brand-new Tai Chi program. This marks FitOn’s first introduction of Tai Chi classes, providing fitness enthusiasts with the opportunity to explore the mysteries and beauty of Tai Chi. After careful selection, Helen has become the professional instructor for FitOn’s inaugural Tai Chi program.
Helen began Wushu training at the age of 4 under the strict guidance of her father, world renowned Grandmaster Shouyu Liang. At the age of 11, Helen was chosen to train with Sichuan Professional Wushu School in China. Since a very young age, Helen has participated in many national and international competitions and has won a great number of gold medals. Today, Helen dedicates herself into the teaching and promotion of the ancient arts and science of Taichi, Qigong and Chinese Martial Art worldwide with the hope of bringing health and harmony into the lives of all people that she touches upon.
Dr. Xue-Zhi Wang, a close friend and doctor that played an integral part in Helen’s remarkable recovery, has generously agreed to share his contact information with ShouyuLiang.com. If you are looking for alternative treatment then we encourage you to seek out Dr. Wang:
Dr. Xue-Zhi Wang, OMD LCA
4115 University Way NE #111
Seattle, WA, USA 98105
梁好老師自4 歲起隨父親梁守渝大師習武練功。11歲入選四川省武術隊。多次獲全國和國際武術比賽金牌。現任梁守渝武術太極氣功學院副院長。
梁好老師是太極拳、氣功、六合八法(水拳)以及其他中國武術內家拳方面眾多視頻的作者。她的《24式太極拳》、《初學者太極拳養生法》、《Taichi for Women》和《Qigong for Cancer》都是亞馬遜暢銷DVD。 梁好老師曾兩次登上美國《功夫太極氣功》雜誌封面。她還被收入《中國武術精英》、《當代中國著名武術家》、《功夫元素》和《世界卓越中國武術家》等書籍中。梁好老師多次被著名媒體如中國中央電視台,上海,四川電視台,美國電視台,加拿大多元文化電視台,加拿大新時代電視和多種中國和北美的報章雜誌訪問。
2020年,梁好老師有幸受邀成為美國知名線上教育平台(The Shift Network)的講師。跟他們合作的太極課程取得巨大的成功,每堂課幾百個學員同聚雲端和梁老師一同體驗太極的和諧寧靜之美!
2023年,國際知名手機和平板健身應用程式 FitOn 與梁好老師攜手合作,推出了一套全新的太極課程。這也是 FitOn 首度引進太極拳課程,為眾多健身愛好者提供探索東方太極神秘與美麗的機會。經過精挑細選,梁好老師成為 FitOn 首套太極課程的專業教師。
DVD/ Stream 梁好老師的教學DVD 或串流影片
- Water Style for Beginners
- Simplified Tai Chi for Beginner – 24 Form
- Simplified Tai Chi for Beginners – 48 Form
- Tai Chi for Women
- Qigong for Cancer: Beginner Exercises for Healing the Prevention
- Beginner TaiChi for Health 0 Mirror- View Exercises
- Tai Ji 13 Postures
- Yi Yang Taiji 13 Postures
- Xing Yi 5 Elements Fist
- XIng Yi Twelve Animals Fist
- Selection of Traditional Xing Yi Fist Form
- 5 Elements Xingyi Sword
- 12 Animals XIngyi Sword
- Bagua Palm: Emei Swimming Body Baguazhang
- Bagua Deer horn Knives
- Bagua Sword
- Snake Fist
Medias Interviews 媒體專訪
- 2007: Kung Fu Tai Chi Magazine, Gene Ching, Generations: Grandmaster Shou-Yu Liang and His Daughter Helen
- 2007: Kung Fu Tai Chi Magazine, Wen-Ching Wu, In The Blink of an Eye: Commemorating the 20th Anniversary of the International Wushu Sanshou Dao Association and Shouyu Liang Wushu Taiji
- 2003: Kung Fu Tai Chi Magazine, Martha Burr, Opening & Closing the Gates of Heaven: Helen Liang – Triumph over Tragedy; Battling Lymphoma;with Qigong, Tai Chi & Chinese Medicine
Articles by Helen Liang 梁好老師的文章
- Water Style for Beginners (Liu He Ba Fa) Part 2, July 1, 2019
- Water Style for Beginners (Liu He Ba Fa) Part 1, June 24, 2019
- Helen Liang’s Triumph Over Tragedy: Healing Cancer with Tai Chi, Qigong, and Chinese Medicine Part 2, June 20, 2017
- Helen Liang’s Triumph Over Tragedy: Healing Cancer with Tai Chi, Qigong, and Chinese Medicine Part 1, June 12, 2017
- Tai Chi for Women, November 18, 2016
- Tai Chi 48-Form Movements, February 29, 2016
- Tai Chi 24-Form Movements, February 19, 2016
- Discover the Tai Chi 48 Form, February 1, 2016
- Discover the Tai Chi 24 Form, October 19, 2015